Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Behavioral trends and lifestyles have improved. Thanks to the choices that are at stake and the many different brands of products available. Men have curved their identity to satisfy complexity that digital age spans into. They are going for a party girl with aim of seeking satisfaction in every shade of life. Welcome to the lives that will characterize divorce in future for the mere reason, ‘my spouse has fallen short of expectations.

You have been to college and understand that most familiar girl at college. Boys hovered around her like bees around a sweet-scented flower for nectar. She got dates from every angle and her name made a list of every party. All boys wanted a piece of her life. But unfortunately, this girl is not just found in the college. You meet the like-of-the-girl everywhere. In your neighborhood, she is so famous, boys from the other ridge of estate talk about her.

This girl is in her own class. She wears the right dressing for every occasion. She dances so well as if nobody is watching. When she decides to shower your heart with unconditional love, she leaves you in pieces. Her words are inspiration about what a digitally-updated girl ought to be. Her life is a model to emulate and link the current trends and future possible hopes that research work has not yet found suitable to recommend their practice. She will not, like the common everyday girl, shy away from walking with you into the shopping centers or parks. She knows when to give you a kiss for all and sundry to know what you mean to her. She will never let you doubt that your love was brewed in heaven. As her lover, you are sure to make merry the hedonistic style, “eat, drink and make merry for tomorrow, you are going to die’, as said Epicurus of old. Or the way my wife puts it, “live a day as if it’s your last. Crush bones while you still have teeth!”

Those who have once fallen for this type of girl can tell you that other girls are pale examples of what life with a woman can be. Their ability to be great fun is on top of their list. They laugh and communicate well. Any man feels like a professional lady-killer in the company of a party girl. Party girls are hungry for experimentation. They do whatever they crave for and are more than you want them to be. They never let you down when it comes to having fun. They seem to have express advance permission from their parents, to go out any time of the day or night unlike your usual good girl who gives excuses about how strict his dad is.

Let us face the naked truth, most men wish for this kind of woman, who is good at nothing that counts in a relationship but for fun. Commitment means nothing to a party girl. She finds it hard to hold onto a relationship- relationship tethers one to zero graze. What about one who loves adventures into life? Are you going to leave stones unturned before you tether yourself? Wonder why relationships are breaking up and leaving men who could commit suicide for losing a golden girl worthy her value? Every man counts losses; he does balance of sheet to his many investments including a woman, why should things not work out? Has he wasted his precious time?

There is a party girl into the lives of men who seeks immediate pleasure and off she goes when she is satisfied with that particular relationship. If the relationship was created on mentality of going picnics, on returning home, she needs to explore other wonders of the world. Man, you are just dumped! You won’t be the first or last. Follow her ways up her ladder. She gets a new catch, stays with him for a while and then drops him for a new hot pick. The good women are falling in love with men who have broken hearts. The men who have become victims of lack of trust and cannot trust a woman anymore. The life expectancy of any relationship is coming down like a lump of sand to break into small sand particles. Reason, men meet good girls after their lives with the party girl. The party girl, who raised their hopes too high and failed to bring them down, it would be hard for another girl to ever understand how serious a man is going to be. A party girl leaves wounds in your heart for nurses, new girls into your life, to dress if they need to bring you down from the peaks of highest desires to the bottom, where it all ended and is supposed to start, to bring a man to reality that life is a journey of failures. Which man would feel committed to be brought down into basement when he was at the top? The learned men could only opt to maintain their status “to try to keep balance when they are not able to hold on”. Isn’t this basement of poverty where they die out of stress after squandering all their pensions and retirement benefits? We all need to be at the top and is any other girl going to relate successfully with men?

A party girl cannot be trusted. She likes going to movies and picnics. Her life fits a working man who could spare a lot of money for miscellaneous expenses. Her dressing comes at a cost. And there is a change of wardrobe every season! Visiting beauty parlors to look up-to-date is expensive too. She is serial flirt made to seduce. You are a king, only when with her, at that moment, in your own territory. Someone else is the king in another territory. If you feel your heart is broken, she has no apologies. She doesn’t give a damn about you. Which limb needs amendments anyway after it has broken? She has learned to live a life to its full lengths and widths. Her many stories of fun are own individual life experiences. Party girls just make lousy wives and mothers!

At the dusk of an eventful day, it’s a good girl who wins when you are looking for a serious partner who you can service and maintain. The good will bore you since they don’t do the things that a wild girl could attempt. A good girl is reserved, cautious and might not accompany you for your hangouts in the bar. But another lived up line of life is that you can experience precious moments of inner peace and comfort only when a good girl takes care of you. A good girl has time for you when you fall ill, and will always miss you when you are out somewhere. A good girl is unlikely to cheat on you. Stop getting tantrums of worries even if she is exceptionally pretty to be stopped on her tracks by any moneyed man who knows significance of beauty (yes, a man who knows what a beautiful wife adds into his home, career and life).

Remember how your good girl might have told you, ‘to beat off your challenging evil thoughts if you had to score her identity’ when you tried to ‘make out who she could be in future in terms of development and social alignments’ with her.

Good girls stick to monogamous relationships, while a hot girl will probably end up a drunkard or a drunk-addict or fall prey to rape after a gang of boys decide to drown her into beer and revenge for her unexplained desertion. Party girls don’t break up a relationship. They leave hearts of their men open. Its like they know the essence of bridges, they are needed when one gets back.

You can go on a party and have fun with a party girl but don’t ever dream or imagine she will bring fun with her into your marriage. The truth is this; your house is too small for all her exploits and you alone can’t quench her passions. You are not the first man to go into this adventure. Many men have tried and ended up with similar results- disappointments!

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